Internal Audit mode of Succes Fee

The mode Success Fee (remuneration based on results obtained) is a common practice in tax consulting work because they are known legal aspects and has favorable decisions in similar cases, which significantly increases the probability of success.

We decided to offer this product mode in Internal Audit projects for some business cycles (Purchasing, Sales Freight Management, Sales Return, Interest and Extensions Maturity on Accounts Receivable and Benefits Contract Management), because our experience in companies of various sizes and segments always resulted in opportunities for savings, cost reduction, loss recoveries, future losses avoided, revenue generation or revenue recovery involving significant amounts, because of our methodology and form of differentiated performance.

In addition to determining the above factors, identify their causes and recommend corrective actions for improvements that will mitigate the risk of them they will occur again, we developed a Global Plan of Action of corrective actions as a tool to be used by senior management, not allowing reported facts are forgotten and the improvements not implemented.

We are sure that it will generate new projects on a client and build a long-term partnership is that we deliver a job that provides value and its cost is directly related to net benefit, and to innovate with this new product we opened an option for companies that do not hire some internal audit projects because they consider expensive, have experience in hiring and the end result was not the promised time to sell services or did not meet expectations.


Audit Charges Commercial and Residences

As our customers we are also homeowners and act as members of the Supervisory Board, so our understanding is that we auditors should be "the eyes of the owners" and, in this sense, does not satisfy us in check the documents and processes.

We always seek to identify improvements in processes / procedures, opportunity savings and identify potential risk reporting them in a report drawn up the "four hands", since the Administration has the opportunity and space to position and form an internal Action Plan on our Corrective Actions suggested to mitigate each identified situation.

Our scope and methodology in work of this nature provides an assessment of whether the processes and controls related to the administrative procedures of the transactions recorded in the financial movements (which generate accounting reports), are appropriate and sufficient to ensure that the rules established by the Advisory Council, Council fiscal and Receiver are being followed in full, that is, the resources that should have been monthly charged were billed, all amounts spent are related to the condominium watching the questions of efficiency and economy, as well as compliance with internal rules and Related external. So we have a differential among others, to analyze 100% of financial transactions and not by sampling.

Another distinguishing our relative to the market is not partake of choice processes Condominium auditors conducted by the Administrators or Liquidators (only those conducted by the Advisory Councils, Tax and / or owners), as the Administrator and the Trustee will be subject to our evaluation and this situation hurts one of the main pillars of our profession that is independence.

